real article

Usually the last thing that people think about is their colon. People in general do not realize that the colon is a very important body organ.

The performance and function of the colon impacts your entire body. The colon is your body's marvelous nutrition extraction and sewage system. To work effectively your body must be able to process foods and drinks in an efficient manner.

Can the colon get bogged down? Yes it can! The things that bog down the colon and its operating efficiency are the modern day foods that we eat. Just think back for a moment.

In the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve did not have processed foods. All foods consumed were natural off the trees and food bearing plants of all sorts. No excess salt, fats, food additives to retard and prevent spoiling etc. etc.

Have you read a grocery store food product label lately? Now we eat the foods presented to us in the grocery store, at restaurants, fast food outlets etc. Lots of food prepackaging today with lots of funny stuff added in the food during the processing.

Did you ever think where is all this so called food going when it is in my body? Yes the colon is the last place to extract materials to be used by the body and then exit the waste.

Modern day foods are clogging up the colons of the world today and preventing the colons from working properly. Adam and Eve did not need a colon cleansing treatment to stay healthy.

However many today do need a colon cleansing treatment. Acai berries, and their products, are so healthy for you.

The berries contain essential and beneficial fatty acids that the body is unable to produce for itself. These fatty acids [healthy acids] give a helpful boost to the liver and help speed up the body's metabolism.

Cleansing diets have become very popular. The Acai berries are not only a food but also detox [cleansing] for the body. Acai berries are also considered to assist with detox diets. They are reported to remove toxins or poisons from the body that have been building up and remaining in the colon. Yes due to years of eating an unhealthy diet, fast foods, and today's processed foods.

Another consideration is being exposed to pollution and other toxic chemicals in everyday life. All of this positive cleansing help provides you more energy and burning more calories than it otherwise would.

Many of the Acai berries claims are still in their testing stage and many are already proven to be correct. One very popular result of cleansing diets is that they help people lose weight very quickly. This is due to a combination of factors.

One of the main things that happen during a cleansing diet are that quite often you get a release of old built up waste from your colon. This waste may have been impacted or lodged there for years. This release of waste will cause a loss of body weight. Modern day processed foods and the ingredients found in the fast food industry have the tendency to cling to the colon walls.

Normal healthy fruits and vegetable foods [ like Adam and Eve ate] move along in the colon without clinging to the colon walls. The colon extracts nutrients from the food materials as they move along. The colon also extracts water from the food materials and returns the reclaimed water back to the body for reuse.

As the extraction process proceeds along the final materials result becomes solid waste and is eliminated.

As they say "If the colon goes - the body goes". Yes death.

The admonition is - pay attention to your colon and its health. Clogged up waste in the colon becomes contaminated and backs up into the blood stream. The patients will become ill and will ultimately become totally toxic.

Colon cleansing can provide relief of many ailments which will surprise you. Keeping your Colon clear is essential to your well-being. The cleansed colon will operate normally and eliminate waste products and toxins. So then a cleansing program is preventive healthcare.

When operating properly there is no better way to rid your body of toxins and contamination. All Acai berry products are very high in fiber.

This fiber not only provides an energy boost to the body but also encourages the production of enzymes needed to break down compacted waste in the body's digestive tract.

This can lead to large quantities of waste that would be causing the body harm to be naturally removed from the intestines.

To your weight loss success, health and happiness,

John Schmidt - Weight Loss Nutritionist